Dream On
This sultry classic routine is for those trying to make their way. Follow Cherry as she explores her slow and beguiling side to break into bigger dreams. This routine is full of the classic bumps and grinds blended with the slow sultry tease we know of classic burlesque.

Somebody to Love
Are you looking for a high energy, audience involved routine? Well this is the gem for you! This classic routine is ALL about the audience and finding somebody to love. Cherry's intimate gaze, combined with her passion to reach every member in the audience, are what make this one of her most memorable routines. An audience favourite, this routine is guaranteed to make you fall in love with Cherry Cheeks!

Snow Queen
This reverse strip reveals the many layers of a Snow Queen rediscovering her power. Starting out as a slow, mystical being, Cherry uses the pieces of her costume to reclaim her space and icy world: piece by piece.

Hot Chocolate
That perfect rich and creamy mix of classic and neo burlesque. This deliciously rich routine is a cheeky ode to one of Cherry's favourite winter treats: hot chocolate! Full of playful reveals and tasty surprises, this act is one to savour.

Jellyfish Bliss
Beginning as a mesmerizing blue light in the dark, the audience is quickly lured into one wet ride. Embodying one of her favourite creatures, the jellyfish, Cherry brings both quick reveals and flowing silks to make waves. Do you like what you sea? Get ready to be stung and pulled into this whirlpool!

Nature's Demise
Mother...Gaia...Earth... This is the story of nature's demise as well as her rise. This political piece is jam packed with Cherry's Tahltan resilience and attitude. What originated as a piece dedicated to the Earth and humanity's treatment of her, has twisted into a reclamation for Cherry and her ancestors.

Ticking Steam
Time passes by like the hands of a ticking clock. Tick...tock... Cherry creates a whimsical automoton piece with all the bells, whistles, and gears! Each layer reveals her inner workings and creates something truly worth waiting for. The big surprise at the end? Only time will tell...

Phoenix Fire
Rising from the ashes of yesterday, this routine burns bright in the flames of today and tomorrow. With Cherry's rocker edge and typical Cheeky style, this Phoenix basks in her power. This was Cherry's debut act, and it continues to develop with her as she grows as a performer.

An edgy and mysterious nerdlesqe routine. Embodying one of the most cherished video game babes of the Zelda series, Sheik, Cherry Cheeks brings the masked figure to centre stage. You've seen them up close and personal, now they're ready to watch over you in the shadows of the night. She's the hidden light of hope we are all searching for.